Nicoletta Embassi

All the most extreme and updated videos of the fetish artist Nicoletta Embassi

Twitter: @Nicolet32081073 | Yezzclips: Store 1546 | PornHub: nicolettaembassi | Email:

Scents and the City of Embarrassment

The scent of lavender and vanilla hung in the air, a sweet scent to my nostrils. I had entered "Essenze & Delizie" with the intention of buying a scented candle for the bedroom, but now the only aroma I could perceive was the much more pungent one coming from my intestines.
I had this problem, you see. An embarrassing disorder, which made my social life a minefield. My flatulence was not discreet, oh no. It was loud, brazen, capable of silencing a crowded room. And the smell... well, it was better not to describe it.
I tried to control myself, of course. Strict diet, miraculous herbal teas, breathing exercises worthy of a Tibetan monk. But sometimes, my body decided to do its own thing, emitting sounds that would make a trucker blush.
Like in that moment, precisely. I was standing in front of the candle rack, torn between "Sea Breeze" and "Cherry Blossom," when I heard the sinister rumble. A shiver of terror ran down my spine. No, not here, not now.
But it was too late. A deep rumble, followed by a foul odor, broke the silence of the store. The clerk, a girl with pink hair and a nose ring, whirled around, her nostrils flaring.
With my tail between my legs, I grabbed the first candle I could find and headed for the register. I paid quickly, avoiding the clerk's gaze, and walked out of the store at a brisk pace.
As I walked down the street, my face still burning, I couldn't help but smile. What a ridiculous situation! But then again, what was wrong with it? Everyone farts, right? It's a natural function of the body, even if society insists on considering it a taboo.
I decided that from that point on I would try to be more philosophical about it. If I had to pass embarrassing gas, at least I should do it with my head held high. After all, life is too short to worry about farting in public.

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 17101 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 256 kb/s
Length: 10min.
Format: MP4
Category: Farting, Public + Outdoors
Size: 1221MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-07

A Body Camera Diary

Nicoletta was a freelance videographer with a passion for documenting everyday life. He loved capturing spontaneous moments, the little nuances of life that often go unnoticed. For this reason, he began using micro cameras on his body, tiny and discreet devices that allowed him to record his day from a unique and immersive perspective.
In the morning, while he was making a coffee, the micro camera on his chest captured the steam rising from the cup, the reflection of the light on the kitchen tiles, the rapid movements of his hands. During the work day, the micro camera on his shoulder recorded interactions with clients, creative discussions, the frenetic energy of the set.
Nicoletta did not use micro cameras to spy or invade other people's privacy. Her footage was a personal visual diary, a way to observe the world from a different perspective and capture details that would otherwise have escaped him.
In this video, she uses one of her favorite micro cameras for a very dirty anal exploration. Do you see those little pieces of shit while her beautiful asshole opens wide?
In the evening, while watching the videos, Nicoletta was surprised by how much her perception of time had altered. Moments that had seemed endless were reduced to a few seconds of video, while fleeting moments expanded, revealing an unexpected wealth of details. The microcameras had become an extension of her body, a new sense that allowed her to explore reality in a deeper and more authentic way. Through their lenses, Nicoletta not only recorded her life, but she rediscovered it, relived it with a new intensity.

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 1134 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 128 kb/s
Length: 23min.
Format: MP4
Category: Anal Play, Foot Fetish, Scat Masturbation
Size: 213MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-20

More Than a Diaper

The wooden floor creaked under my bare feet as I made my way to the kitchen. The morning sun filtered through the curtains, painting golden streaks on the floor. The house was silent, wrapped in that quiet that is typical of the early hours of the day. No one was awake yet, just me and the discreet rustling of the diaper.
Once upon a time, the sound of that rustling would have filled me with shame. I would have done anything to hide it, to pretend it didn't exist. But now, after months of cohabitation, it had become almost a familiar background, a white noise in the soundtrack of my life.
I walked over to the counter and made myself a cup of tea. While I waited for the water to boil, I looked out the window.
Wearing the diaper had been a liberation.
I love wearing it and in this video I play with the diaper in a very fetish way by filling it with piss and warm fragrant drink.

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 1141 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 128 kb/s
Length: 11min.
Format: MP4
Category: Diapers, Pissing
Size: 102MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-14

The first time I tasted shit

My secret closet doesn't contain designer clothes or stunning shoes. Behind those mirrored doors, there's a collection that would make a sailor blush. Rigid, flexible, realistic or imaginative, my beloved dildos occupy every shelf, each with a story, a name, a memory.
In this video I destroy my ass and for the first time a small brown turd remains attached to a dildo from my collection and I taste it in my mouth for the first time!

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 1401 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 128 kb/s
Length: 27min.
Format: MP4
Category: Anal Play, Eating, Tasting
Size: 295MB
Language: Italian
Added: 2024-10-12

Sun and Serenity with a Little Help

The sun was beating down on the lawn, but I was contentedly sitting on my deck chair, enjoying the warmth on my skin. Unlike all the other women around me, I wasn't wearing a skimpy bikini, under a large adult diaper.
It might seem strange, I know. But for me it was the perfect solution to enjoy a day without the stress and anxiety that had always accompanied me. You see, I suffer from urinary incontinence, a condition that for years prevented me from doing many things, including, precisely, relaxing in the sun.
The fear of a sudden "escape", the shame, the feeling of always being torn between the need to go to the bathroom and the difficulty of finding a clean and accessible one... all this had transformed my relaxing days into a nightmare.
Then, I discovered adult diapers. At first I was hesitant, full of prejudices. It seemed like something for old people, a defeat. But then I realized that the real defeat was giving up on living because of a physical problem.
So, I decided to try them. And I discovered a freedom I never imagined. No more running to the bathroom, no more anxiety, no more fear of being judged. I could finally relax and enjoy the sun like everyone else.
Sure, at first I felt a little awkward. The diaper was bulky, you could see it under my swimsuit. But then I realized that it didn't matter. People were looking at me? Maybe. But who cares? I was fine, I was calm, and that was all that mattered.
Now, as I basked in the sun, I felt only a deep gratitude for this invention that had changed my life. I could finally be a free woman, without shame and without fear. And that, believe me, is priceless.

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 1131 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 128 kb/s
Length: 16min.
Format: MP4
Category: Diapers, Foot Fetish, Pissing, Public + Outdoors
Size: 146MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-11

Fashion Faux Pas

A shiver of embarrassment ran down my spine. I was in the chic clothing store, wearing a dress that fit me perfectly, when I felt it coming. A growing pressure, an eerie gurgling sound from the depths of my gut. I knew what it meant.
I tried to hold it back, but it was a losing battle. My stomach rumbled like an erupting volcano. Gritting my teeth, I prayed it would go away silently, a small, inaudible snort.
The sound bounced off the walls of the store, amplified by the small space. A deep, vulgar, unmistakable sound. I was mortified. I imagined the salespeople exchanging amused glances, the customers turning to look disapprovingly. I just wanted to sink.
To my surprise, no one seemed to have noticed. Or at least, they all pretended not to, an embarrassed smile plastered on their faces.
Maybe the thick fabric of the pants had muffled the sound, or maybe the background music was loud enough to cover it. Either way, no one had blinked. I sighed in relief.
I no longer felt comfortable in that store. On my way out, I met the gaze of a lady who was staring at me with an ambiguous smile. Maybe she had heard. Or maybe not. I'll never know.
But one thing was for sure: that was the last time I'd eat beans before going shopping.

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 17306 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 256 kb/s
Length: 11min.
Format: MP4
Category: Farting, Public + Outdoors
Size: 1365MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-11

The Blasphemous Nun

Dawn filters through the stained glass windows of the chapel, a deep silence envelops everything, broken only by the rustle of my robe against my knees. I am a nun named Maria Agnese.
Monastic life is made of simplicity and sacrifice, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. The peace I feel within these walls, the serenity that comes from prayer and sharing, are precious gifts that I jealously guard.
Of course, sometimes nostalgia for the world makes itself felt a distant memory of a different life, of loved ones left behind.
So what do I do? I remove the veil for a moment and play in a really dirty way.
Lying on the floor I shit... I shit a lot. What beautiful bastards! Succulent. I imagine a big hard cock ready to welcome my assholes as if it were a consecrated host.
I squirt the assholes on the cock I masturbate and suck eating the shit as much as I can.
This is the consecration that I really like and that I can't do without!

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 3000 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 128 kb/s
Length: 15min.
Format: MP4
Category: Anal Play, Eating, EFRO, Scat Masturbation, Smearing, Tasting
Size: 321MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-10

Intimate Cartography

My name is Nicoletta and I have a rather particular passion: I love observing my body through the eye of a micro camera. Don't get me wrong, it's not about voyeurism or exhibitionism. It's something more intimate, an exploration of my physical self that goes beyond the image reflected in the mirror.
It all started with a small technological gadget, a micro camera the size of a lentil, bought almost for fun. Initially I used it to capture details of nature, insects, flowers, textures that the naked eye couldn't capture. Then, one day, almost by accident, I pointed it at myself.
The effect was surprising. My skin, seen so close up, transformed into a lunar landscape, with pores, wrinkles and imperfections that became craters, valleys and mountains. My eyes, usually hazel, appeared like very deep amber pools. Even my hair, apparently smooth and uniform, revealed itself to be an intricate tangle of thin and shiny fibers.
Since then, the microcamera has become my companion in explorations. I use it to observe the details of my face, the nuances of my skin, the way my muscles contract beneath the surface. I like to linger on my hands, with their delicate veins and tapered fingers, or on my feet, with their sinuous curves and small imperfections.
I love using my microcamera in the bathroom while I shit or piss.
I love seeing how my little asshole opens up and lets out a big long turd.
Through the microcamera, I discover a body I didn't know, a universe of hidden details that fascinate and intrigue me. It's not an aesthetic quest, an evaluation of my physical appearance. It's rather a journey to discover my materiality, my most intimate and profound physicality.
Sometimes, I connect the microcamera to the computer and project the images on a large screen. I like to lose myself in those miniature landscapes, exploring every nook and cranny of my body as if it were an unknown territory. It is an experience that relaxes me, helps me become aware of myself, to feel in harmony with my corporeality.

Video Info: 640x480 Pixel @ 3000 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 106 kb/s
Length: 11min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Inside Toilet POV, Pissing, Toilet Pooping
Size: 232MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-10

Me and My Diapers

A smile touches my lips. I know, for many it may seem strange, even embarrassing, but I find incredible comfort in adult diapers.
It all started a few years ago. The postpartum incontinence problems were more serious than expected and, on the advice of the doctor, I started using diapers. At first I saw them as a defeat, a sign of weakness. I felt old, no longer in control of my body.
Then, gradually, something changed. I began to appreciate the feeling of security they gave me, the freedom of being able to move without worries.
Now, even if the incontinence problems have disappeared, I continue to use them at night. They allow me to sleep peacefully and deeply, without interruptions. And in the morning, when I wake up rested and serene, I can't help but think that maybe I will never abandon them completely.
I love shitting in these beautiful diapers and then spreading the shit like in this video on my big dildos and then tasting it all in my mouth.
Sometimes, when I happen to confide this habit of mine to a friend, I see their eyes widen in surprise. Some laugh, some turn up their noses, but I don't care. I've learned to listen to my body, to give priority to my well-being, and if that means wearing a diaper, well, what's wrong with that?
After all, happiness also lies in the little things, in the freedom to feel comfortable in your own skin, with or without a diaper.

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 1492 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 128 kb/s
Length: 14min.
Format: MP4
Category: Diapers, Eating, EFRO, Pantypoop, Tasting
Size: 164MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-10

Parking Pains shit in the yogapants

A wave of nausea washed over me, a cold sweat beading on my non-existent forehead. My metaphorical hands gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white. A cramping pain seized my simulated stomach, radiating in agonizing waves. I needed a bathroom, and fast.

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 5006 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 128 kb/s
Length: 14min.
Format: MP4
Category: Desperation, EFRO, Pantypoop, Public + Outdoors
Size: 526MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-06

Nicoletta and her Gaseous Secret

Nicoletta was a charming woman, with long red hair and piercing green eyes. She had an infectious smile and a laugh that filled the room, but she hid an embarrassing secret: she suffered from terrible flatulence.
They were not the usual, discrete emissions of gas. Nicoletta's were powerful, thunderous, capable of making the windows vibrate and emptying a room in a few seconds. And the smell... well, it was better not to describe it.
This problem created quite a few inconveniences in her social life. She avoided dinners with friends, outings to the movies, even work meetings made her feel uncomfortable. She was always afraid that, in a moment of silence, her intestines could betray her with a resounding "bang".
Well, in this video you can hear them and also smell them all?
Do you have the courage?
Nicoletta learned to live with her problem, without being ashamed of it anymore. She had understood that the true beauty of a person is not in perfection, but in authenticity. And she, with her thunderous flatulence, was one hundred percent authentic!

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 4774 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 192 kb/s
Length: 13min.
Format: AVI
Category: Farting
Size: 464MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-06

Sixty minutes of slow motion shit

I took my best videos from these years. All amateur videos of big shits. I cut them and joined them together and then edited them in slow motion to give you 1 hour of slow motion shit. Screaming close-ups, dirty ass wide open full of shit. You'll like it I'm sure!

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 4297 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 116 kb/s
Length: 60min.
Format: MP4
Category: Diarrhea, EFRO, Inside Toilet POV, Pissing, Toilet Pooping
Size: 1897MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-01

Big ass full of shit

The steam hung in the air, creating a soft and sensual atmosphere. Nicoletta with her amber skin headed towards the tub. The soft light of the candles caressed her sinuous curves, illuminating the golden reflections of her hair loose on her shoulders.
With a slow and graceful gesture, she sat on the edge of the tub, letting her long legs cross. A sigh of pleasure escaped her full lips as she closed her eyes and abandoned herself to the relaxing sensation.
She shows you her perfect ass while she pushes in and out a nice big turd and then stimulating herself with an anal plug she comes in a great orgasm.

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 4955 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 174 kb/s
Length: 18min.
Format: MP4
Category: Anal Play, EFRO, Pissing, Scat Masturbation, Smearing
Size: 660MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-10-01

After the car accident

I'm at home and I'm wearing this medical collar. Unfortunately, I had a big car accident a few days ago. This collar didn't stop me from shitting around the house!

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 7522 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 173 kb/s
Length: 12min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Foot Fetish, Pissing
Size: 639MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-09-28

Big shit on the scarf

Big fat shit on this valuable scarf... how much I love shitting on expensive things you just can't know!

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 7805 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 172 kb/s
Length: 11min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Pissing
Size: 620MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-09-28

Big shit for a big stomachache

A big asshole a big piss for an intolerable stomach ache

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 6929 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 177 kb/s
Length: 9min.
Format: MP4
Category: Desperation, EFRO, Pissing
Size: 445MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-09-27

A big diaper full of shit

A nice diaper, a big dildo and a video where masturbation will be really dirty and extreme... do you want to taste my shit with me?

Video Info: 1280x720 Pixel @ 3896 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 174 kb/s
Length: 20min.
Format: MP4
Category: Diapers, EFRO, Foot Fetish, Instructions, Pantypoop, Pissing, Scat Masturbation, Tasting
Size: 577MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-09-27

Big asshole with legs open

Legs open on the floor a big piss and a big turd of shit to make you taste it all!

Video Info: 1920x1080 Pixel @ 4752 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 176 kb/s
Length: 10min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Foot Fetish, Instructions, Pissing
Size: 362MB
Language: English
Added: 2024-09-27

A surprise package for my friend

My friend's love for this spreadable cream had reached epic levels. In his house, the one-kilo jar was considered "mini" size and disappeared within a few days. He had experimented with every possible combination: bread, biscuits, fruit, even crackers. Once he had tried spreading it on pizza, a bold experiment that had not been very successful.
But his favorite way to enjoy Nutella was simple: a nice piece of shit from Nicoletta directly from the jar. He would close his eyes, slowly savor the intense flavor of hazelnuts and cocoa, and for a moment all his problems would vanish. It was a moment of pure happiness, a little ritual that was repeated every day.
And in this video you will see the preparation of this special package ... wouldn't you like one too?

Video Info: 1280x720 Pixel @ 4363 kb/s
Audio Info: 2 Channels @ 174 kb/s
Length: 25min.
Format: MP4
Category: EFRO, Food/Baking, Foot Fetish, Instructions
Size: 800MB
Language: Italian
Added: 2024-09-27